The Sunchaser 1996 Movie
3 • 0
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I'm giving this a decent 3/5, but this movie has some major issues. The first is with Jon Seda's terminally ill character. I get that he may have had a rough upbringing, but Jesus Christ, there is nothing redeeming about the character. He is such an annoying fu** that he has to be one of the most infuriating main characters put on film. As the film progresses, his condition worsens, but one moment he is hemorrhaging and fainting, then a moment later he can climb a cliff, then he can't even move, then moments later he is sprinting again... The other major issue I had with this was that no matter how empathetic someone can be, would you warm to someone as much as Woody Harrelson's character does with someone who has been holding a gun to your penis for three days and who would've killed you if a bullet was in the chamber? But maybe I am too unforgiving... In saying all of that, it does feel like a different kind of film, and not the cookie-cutter material so often fed to us. Although the ending is somewhat weak, the adventure the two go on did maintain my interest for the most part. 3-2.5 / 5
Reason for report