1.5 • 0
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I don't know why this was on my 'to watch list' but it was a mistake...as was the making of this movie. It's a mockumentary about a director, Adam Rifkin, trying to make an unknown actor into a star. The jokes are predictable and fall flat. For example, someone leaving an audition tells the actor that the role requires an Australian accent. He predictable does that only for the role to not require such an accent, rather a New York one. Every now and again the main-plot is broken up by celebrity interviews about what makes a movie star. When Adam and the actor have a falling out I didn't care in the slightest. The acting isn't great at times. I don't know what Adam was thinking with this but it comes across as him thinking he is a lot cleaver and creative than he actually is. You will likely get halfway through this and feel like moving on to something else.
Reason for report