Wonder Woman 2017 Movie
3.8 • 0
I like how this doesn't spend too long on Diana's origins. It can become tiresome when superhero films do this, particularly if you are a fan of the protagonist and are familiar with their background. Some of the visuals, particularly at the beginning when Themyscira is the setting, are amazing. The action sequences, in general, are often riveting where Wonder Woman is devastating against either structure, man or god. The grim feel that DC movies, in general, have concocted again works. While I felt one or two of the comedic scenes lasted too long, they were generally on point including some of the suggestive language. I saw Gal's acting being cited as a criticism in some reviews prior to watching this, and while she's no award winner, I didn't find it to be a problem at all. It's often the case with action films, but the dialogue at times can be corny and leave something to be desired for me. Some of the messages this was trying to send about soldiers and whatnot had me scratching my head. Another down-side was the final battle. Sir Patrick/Ares goes from seemingly impregnable to easily defeated. It felt too simplistic. It's nothing that will go into the hall of fame but it's a good action film that gets better as it goes on for the most part. 3.5-3
Reason for report