I was confused at first, but reading about the lyrics cleared things up, and I agree with how I interpret the song; that you don't need to be a part of something that someone keeps trying to get you to be a part of, and that bloodsucking/cashgrabbing is horrible. I really hate how vampires keep getting oversexualized and I hate how people always try to force others to be what they are not.
I would rather vampires just be pure evil and killed in every media it is in, but others keep making them sexy and romantic and I hate that. Bloodsuckers really get me mad!
Anyway, right now I view this song positively, but it makes me uncomfortable because the lyrics seem to greatly capture how big corporations that suck franchises think. I hate the vampire craze, and I hate vampires in general, but if the fans and creators weren't so needy for sex and bloodsucking then I do not think I would hate vampires as much, but this keeps happening so I do despise them.