93 'Til Infinity 1993 Album
4 • 0
This album is a consistent record but apart from the title track, which is far and away my favourite track present, nothing else is close to brilliant. The rappers leave a touch to be desired and don't really excite you and make you want to learn the lyrics they are spitting. Also, I'm not sure if it was just because it comes after the great title track just mentioned or it actually does drop off but I definitely lose some interest after the eighth song. It's a fairly negative review for a decent rating but I guess because it has so many praising reviews I wouldn't be adding anything to them. It's worth checking out but I do think the overall rating this has does exceed what it should be when you look at some other albums around this time. Best Tracks: Let 'Em Know, Live and Let Live, That's When Ya Lost, 93 'Til Infinity
Reason for report