Alien Soundtracks 1977 Album
3.25 • 0
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The Visitation was a nice record and all but, for real, this is where the Chrome story begins. This was where wacky guitarist Helios Creed entered the group, and was the impetus for a quantum leap forward in all phases. What was once a laidback, California-flavored take on the Hawkwind groove had morphed into a defiant, Stooges-derived snark fest lent further credibility by Creed's lurking presence. His slashing, monolithic passages are not as prominent as they would be on the next record, but certainly, he's a great counterpart for Damon Edge and his wall of drums, samples, and other odd machines. Together they create a sound world that's not for everyone but undoubtedly, stakes a claim apart from everything else going on at that time…or any other time, for that matter.
Reason for report