Love Symbol 1992 Album
3.5 • 0
Diamonds and Pearls Part 2! While Purple Rain is one of the greatest albums of all time, overall, '90s Prince is my pick of the Prince eras. The sound here follows on from 'Diamonds and Pearls' and features some of his best songs, particularly the higher tempo tunes. '3 Chains O' Gold', with it's hint of Bohemian Rhapsody influence, and multiple change ups, is amazing. The opener is tougher than leather with Prince getting his rapping going. 'The Max' is another banger a few songs later as is 'The Continental' and the closer. There are some average moments, I don't love 'Blue Light' - 'Sweet Baby', but the high moments are fantastic and make up for the couple of poorer moments. Best Tracks: My Name Is Prince, The Max, The Continental, 7, And God Created Woman, 3 Chains O' Gold, The Sacrifice of Victor.
Reason for report