3.5 • 0
Another solid mixtape from Game that was meant to end the Game vs 50/G-unot beef that everyone got tired of in the end. I don't recognise everything but much of this is Game dissing 50 & co over well known beats such as Niggas Bleed, 1970 Somethin', Ready, A.M. to P.M. and Quiet to name a few. Lyrically, although there is some humour in the dissing, it does get a bit tedious being 20 odd tunes of hating. Nevertheless, if you enjoy The Game you'll like this because the beats bang. Best Tracks: 120 Bars, Niggaz Bleed, 1970 Somethin', Not Gonna Leave, A.M. to P.M., My Lowrider, Quiet, Outro (Red Bandana)
Reason for report