The "Demo" Tape 2009 Album
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R. Kelly is great at making particularly slow tempo R&B tracks. He has in the past few years played more with hip hop, You could have hop/pop-rap as a secondary genre for his most recent album 'Double Up' as about half of it is in my opinion. Anyway, some has worked, some haven't. Most of this 'official' mixtape doesn't quite work to R. Kelly's mostly high standards from his eight albums but it's not too bad... After the first listen I would have given it a lower rating but on the second I'm enjoying it a touch more. It's worth a listen for a fan who needs everything done by an artist but otherwise wait for the proper album. Best Tracks: Kelly's 12 Play (Remix), Love Lock Down (Remix), Tip the Waiter, Makin' Me Wanna, Disrespect My Shorty.
Reason for report