In order to save his football team andrepay the $9 million to Cecil Colby,Blake flies to Las Vegas and obtains aloan from gangster Logan Rhinewood.Nick tells his sister that Blake is toblame for the death of their kidbrother, who hanged himself in jail. Heintends to find proof and claimvengeance. Sammy Jo has anightmare and goes to Steven forcomfort. In the morning, Alexis seesher leaving and promptly tells Krystlethat the two spent the night together.When Alexis suggests that Steven,once again his father's heir, shouldconsider marrying, he asks Claudia togive some thought to a futuretogether. Fallon and Nick make love.While skeet shooting, Alexis spots apregnant Krystle riding her horse. Shefires, and the frightened animal throwsKrystle