Kuroko finds Awaki at a nearby building and uses the latter's trauma of self-teleportion to make the first strike but during their battle, her injuries make her unable to concentrate on teleporting and she is trapped under a pile of furniture. Awaki explains to Kuroko that she and her organization, the Science Syndicate, plan to build a new Tree Diagram in order to create other species of espers. Awaki tries to persuade Kuroko to join her, believing her powers is a curse that caused her to become how she is. Kuroko rejects her offer, verbally abuses Awaki for making excuses for her own behavior, breaks loose and tries to attack Awaki, but is shot by her. After a brief traumatic loss of control over her powers, Awaki attempts to kill Kuroko by dropping the building on top of her, but she is saved by Mikoto and Tōma, who came to rescue her after he was alerted by Misaka 10032. As the Anti-Skill's stop the Science Syndicate, Awaki tries to escape but to her horror, is confronted by Accelerator who, using the Misaka Network to utilize his powers, defeats her and destroys the Tree Diagram remnant. As everyone recovers, Mikoto gives her thanks to Kuroko.