Us 2019 Movie
3.44 • 0
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After about 25 minutes of setup, this is basically over an hour of a family being hunted, then becoming the hunter without anything being done in a way that is too interesting. The final twist was foreseeable and I was hoping it wouldn't happen. It would have been a better ending without it - not to mention that it has plot holes. Then there is some of the ill-fitting attempts at comedy and social commentary through ill-fitting music like N.W.A.'s 'Fuck the Police. While I found Get Out a touch overrated, I still enjoyed it and the aspects of originality it had. I don't feel this has as much. There are some creepy characters, and I wouldn't let a 10 year old watch it before bed, but nothing is scary either. The villains also seem to be stronger and more menacing at the start but become weaker to allow them to be killed.
Reason for report