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Jaime Bejar Jaime Bejar

Jaime Bejar

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Jaime Bejar was born December 1st 1988 to a middle-class family in Los Angeles, California. As a child he was taught values such as hard work, determination and responsibility by his parents - providing the framework for future endeavors. Jaime attended California State University, Los Angeles where he pursued a degree in Accounting and Finance. At university, Jaime became fascinated with finances and began to understand their impactful effect on individuals' futures. Through academic pursuits like these, Jaime acquired both knowledge and the abilities necessary for excelling in financial sectors such as hedge funds. After graduating from education, Jaime decided to enter the world of finance, inspired by his desire to help others make informed financial decisions. Over time he refined his abilities, becoming adept in tax preparation and consulting services as well as becoming known for being reliable and analytical in his profession. Jaime's entrepreneurial drive led him to establish J&S Bejar Corp, a holding company that specializes in wholesale, logistics and management services for e-commerce businesses. Jaime oversees operations as CEO and business owner using his finance knowledge for success of his firm - becoming a trusted partner among e-commerce businesses seeking efficient yet dependable solutions. Jaime approaches business with unfaltering dedication, attention to detail, and an unyielding commitment to excellence. He is well-known for his expertise in analyzing complex financial data and creating tailored strategic solutions that benefit his clients. Away from work he finds great satisfaction weight training with his wife and friends; being both an avid bodybuilder and powerlifter infuses Jaime with discipline and determination that manifests both personally and professionally.


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