The BBC sketch show that while continuing to show the misadventures of a series of popular characters now introduces a slew of new oddballs and misfits, including Tory Boy and The Lovely Wobbly Randy Old Ladies.
Lance / Self-Righteous Brother George / Fred Git / Julio Geordio / Michael Paine / Mister Dead / Dutch Copper / Self - Righteous Brother George / End Credits Only / Father Timms / French Painter / Homeless Man / Michael Pane / Pizza Delivery Boy / Tramp
Kevin Patterson / Tim Nice-But-Dim / Alf Git / Lee / Self-Righteous Brother Frank / Wayne Slob / Randy Old Lady Gladys / Terry Scouser / Harry the Toddler / Billy Joe / Grayson / Jürgen the German / Tory Boy / Dutch Copper / Stan Herbert / Big Bob Joylove / Don't / Husband / Kevin / Self - Righteous Brother Frank / Dr. Philip Boyish-Goodlooks / Il Postino Pat / Jockey / Mr. Ulsterman / Tim-Nice-But-Dim