Pretty Cure, known in Japan as Futari wa Pretty Cure, is a Japanese magical girl anime series produced by Toei Animation and broadcast across Japan by Animax, TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. It is the first series in the Pretty Cure metaseries created by Izumi Todo. The series is watched mostly by elementary and secondary students in Japan; it is also broadcast around the world. The original Pretty Cure series, directed by Daisuke Nishio aired on TV Asahi between February 1, 2004 and January 30, 2005. It is the only Pretty Cure series to date to have received an English-language version, which aired in Canada from March 2009. A direct sequel, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, or simply Max Heart, aired in Japan between February 6, 2005 and January 29, 2006. Two Max Heart movies were released on April 16, 2005 and December 10, 2005 respectively.