Reviews by jfclams
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Mostly you get the impressions of close friends and roadies of the group's rise to fame. No actual VH music is used, don't believe the band had anything to do with the making of this doc. It's OK to get the fan on the ground perspective, but not sure we will ever get a definitive VH movie or doc (which is needed).
Ugh...glowing receptacles, echoey voices, and not much else worth remembering.
This one starts off a bit like a bad John Candy vehicle but after a certain point all pretenses are dropped, the silliness level breaks past 10, and you find yourself wondering why they didn't do a Mudd episode in the 3rd season. Well, they kind of did - they just made him more deliciously and dastardly insane as Garth in From Whom The Gods Destroy.
The only episode with a Lt. Galloway that's female! Pretty good mid-tier level episode
Not a fan of this one, goes off on a ton of tangents and I feel like the woman in the underground society who says "Brain! What is brain?" a lot. No character knows anything when asked a question in this episode! Somehow, Spock gets his brain back and that's all that counts.
Reason for report