Reviews by jfclams
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Easily one of the most sober-minded, detailed books written about the NFL ever written. Roughly covers the NFL between the mid-70's and the mid-80's, focusing on the interaction between the owners and then-commissoner Pete Rozelle. A lot of coverage is given to Al Davis and his court battles with the league and various entities over the move of his franchise from Oakland to Los Angeles. I will admit the author gets a bit too detailed at times, but if you ever wanted a primer on the motives of your average NFL owner - and just how the league works overall - this book is a must-read.
Not too bad for Sixth Sense even in its abridged NG version. The convoluted plot is an unintentional adventure with its' share of thrills.
Sorry, this record gets a bad rap. I thought pop music was supposed to be fun, first and foremost, and I cannot think of a more unabashedly FUN album than this one. The raps are intentionally simple, pretty much a catchy backdrop for the sample-heavy/dance floor-a-minute grooves which is the rap equivalent of a classic KISS record. Love it or hate it - Hammer made sure you were going to remember it, one way or another.
Overall, I think Night Gallery was a great show with a few major flaws. Part of what hurts the show's reputation is a matter of perception. It was significantly altered for syndication, including radically edited episodes of another completely unrelated show from 1972, called The Sixth Sense, which also had a supernatural/thriller bent. But this is far from being the ugly step sister to the master work that was the Twilight Zone - besides, with Serling flanked by all of those stylishly grotesque paintings he had to talk over every week, how could three seasons of Night Gallery be anything but an exotic, spine-tingling thrill?
Redeemed by a great closing line
Reason for report