Reviews by jfclams
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Definitely a seminal LP for hard rock music. The Dolls captured a time and place, were either ignored or derided as weirdos from New York, and made a timeless album for endless future generations to enjoy. Not much else needs to be said.
Extensive compilation of the 1970's Australian-American garage punk band. A rare breed indeed, but the music didn't live up to the outlaw image, IMHO.
I'm not sure anything definitive can be said about Greener Postures other than - it's a Snakefinger album, and it's thoroughly confusing, confounding, and likeable, against all normal odds. But there was never anything normal about Snakefinger (real name: Philip Charles Lithman) or his cohorts The Residents - who helped him compose this avant-garde record - anyway, so keep that in mind as may find yourself repeating your journey through it, intentional or otherwise.
This is most likely the most memorable episode in NG history, for a variety of reasons, but mainly because it could pass for a classic Twilight Zone entry, too.
One of the best - if not the best - shorts in the NG chronology.
Reason for report