Broad City 2014 TV Show
4.3 • 0
I recently completed the series after taking a while to get around to season 5. The chemistry and relationship between Illana and Abbi was always the best thing about the show and that continues into the final season. While they are never in your face in an episode's premise, the show began to get more preachy with comments here and there and come from a 'how to be a liberal' text book. From saying that male restaurateurs rape their staff, sticking fingers up outside of Trump Towers, blaming white men for every atrocity in the world, not shaving her armpits to make some point, etc. In a world of quick cancellations, it was nice to see the creators have the chance to actually conclude Abbi's and Illana's adventures in New York before separating. A good comedy with a number of standout episodes.
Reason for report