The Young Rebels 1970 TV Show
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There's been like nil series in the history of television to tackle the subject of the American Revolution. This was one of them, with the added angle of a diverse cast which reflected the counterculture vibe of the day. Yet, it amounted to a half-season failure that went by the boards, followed by a short syndicated run in the late 80's. I've seen all these episodes more times than I can count but it's hard for even the extreme Young Rebels apologist in me to deny the corny Bonanza vibe it gives off. Still, compared to say, the much-ballyhooed (and way overblown) TURN, this wizened chaw of nostalgia contains more than enough interesting stories and performances - TV vet Will Geer was in a number of episodes - to warrant revisiting. At least until someone really rectifies that Revolution on TV problem.
Reason for report