I liked Son of Batman more, but this was really exciting and emotional for me. Damian is now one of my favorite characters and The Court of Owls was a menacing presence. Talon is my favorite DCAMU villain so far, as he felt very human and really fleshed out. Bruce and Damian's conflict is the highlight of the movie for me. Damian's choice at the end will probably resonate with a lot of people. The movie could have been longer and had more of Bruce and Damian interacting, but other than that I'd say this is a very good DC production.
A fun DC film that I want a sequel to. Bruce Timm is a genius and I always want more stories from him. This alternate reality where The Trinity are murderers but still the good guys was really intriguing to me and it didn't disappoint. I still don't know how I feel about Kirk being a vampire, but Superman was done amazingly so I am not bothered. I don't know what else to say, it was exciting and fun.
I liked it better than Justice League: War. Even though I think this movie was rushed and I think War took more time, I still liked it better because man Aquaman is a badass and I think I love him. Aquaman is becoming one of my favorite heroes and I will be watching his live-action movie. This had really great Batman moments and everyone I liked in War was awesome again. Orm in my opinion was a fantastic villain and I hope to see more of him. I love how Lex Luthor was in the post-credits scene. I really liked this addition to the DC line and I will be watching Batman vs. Robin soon.
Whoa, I loved this one! It's hard to put into words, but I'll try. Spoilers below.
First, that battle at the end! I love that climatic duel between Damian and Deathstroke. It might be one of the best fights in animation that I have seen. It was very visceral and intense. I love the other fight scenes too. I somehow loved Damian, even though I thought I wouldn't, but I did. Batman was badass as usual. I liked Talia for the most part. Deathstroke was not what I was expecting, but he was still cool and had a believable motivation, so I thought he was a fantastic villain. Also, holy shit, Giancarlo Esposito voices Ra's al Ghul! That's amazing! He only had a few scenes but still. I love this and I believe it is one of DC's best animated movies. I may change my mind later, but right now I will stand by what I said.
I thought it was great! I will do a no spoiler review this time.
So, Darkseid was awesome. The whole Justice League was awesome, though Shazam and Green Lantern were a bit annoying for me, and Wonder Woman was not what I was expecting, but I loved them despite all of that. Batman was the best for me, as he showed off his massive prowess in basically everything I expect Batman to have prowess in. He also was the smartest in my mind. He is after all the world's greatest detective. Now, onto to the ending, which I won't spoil; I thought it was great. As for the side characters, I liked Silas Stone, Hannah, Steve Trevor, and the President of the US. Also, I thought they used Green Lantern so creatively. I guess that is all I can say without spoiling the movie. I liked this a little more than The Flashpoint Paradox.