Reviews by LTSings
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This is a pretty powerful song. I like it a lot. I heard on Spotify and went to iTunes to get it but it isn't there. At least for now this is a stream only release. I hope it will be released for purchase on iTunes later on. There is a video of it on YouTube though.
An EP by the daughter of Vince Gill. I like it all except the last track.
A beautiful 1980s ballad that still sounds as good today as it did over 40 years ago. I miss beautiful songs like this. So much better than today's music.
I love Allie Beth Stuckey's podcast "Relatable". I had been waiting so long for this book to come out and it didn't disappoint. This book is full of truth and wisdom that is much needed in today's culture. Allie Beth does a fantastic job of taking apart 5 myths of today's narcissistic culture. 1. Myth #1 - You Are Enough 2. Myth #2 - You Determine Your Truth 3. Myth #3 - You're Perfect The Way You Are 4. Myth #4 - You're Entitled To Your Dreams 5. Myth #5 - You Can't Love Others Until You Love Yourself This is all from a biblical perspective, just as her podcast is. If you are a fan of her podcast you should love this book. This book is worth your time though, even if you have never listened to her podcast. There aren't nearly enough people pointing out the truths in this book these days. I am so glad Allie Beth wrote this book. It's perfect for the times we are living in. This is my favorite non-fiction book I've read or listened to so far in 2020.
I love CeCe's version of this song!
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