Reviews by jfclams
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Lots of spooky shots and slick edits of a house that no one wants with a creepy old painting and a dusty old trunk. But of course the wife adores it - where have we seen this before? Oh brother....
I had an old review of Dreamboat Annie which I can't locate at present, but to be honest, Heart's great career peak starts with "Magic Man" and "Crazy on You", and ends with "Barracuda". In between, it's a real hit-and-miss proposition. The music contained within "Magic Man" goes beyond stunning - it's an autobiographical song in the truest sense of the term, and far removed from a couple of rocker chicks just trying to sound tough. It's a shame the band never really gave us more but then...this was a lot considering.
Far different than the normal Ozzie and Harriet episode, I would imagine. Even the inclusion of the dumb gag vampire short doesn't annoy me this time.
Sandra Dee has traded in her Blessingtons for an even kookier episode featuring dishelleved hair, a collection of frumpy bathrobes, and an eternally shocked expression on her face. I didn't say it was good, just weird.
Sample's autobiography, released not very long after he retired from pro football, is a most direct accounting of his time in the game and life up to that point. Like pitcher Jim Bouton (who penned the controversial Ball Four around the same time) he was viewed as a fringe outsider in his profession, but in reality was among its most meticulous and sure-fire practitioners. He took advantage of every tool at his disposal, including a rating system for opposing players - especially the ones he believed he could easily intimidate. It's a little too quick of a read, though.
Reason for report