it ties together and is original as a movie should be...seriously; but it has a lot of "ok then..." moments in a bad way; but overall makes me think "what was even the point of me watching this."
5/10 from me
My favorite anime of all time, felt like I was holding my breath the entire time till it ended. Love coldrain & GALNERYUS as the OP and ED artists. This anime goes to show that triumph in darkness can be your rainbow. I liked the manga even more, especially since it contains the full story.
Counting the pages was so annoying lol. But this manga is my favorite media of all time. It changed how I see the world although its heaviness stole my sense of humor just a tiny bit. I do not recommend this manga to anyone with trauma.
I got sweaty palms reading this, and I never get sweaty palms. His transition in attitude from beginning to end was really infectious. One of my favorite books, and made me wanna spread more good into this world. God bless.