I watched this based on the high rating it has on another site. The Letterboxd rating is less extreme. Was I surprised and underwhelmed!
The girlfriend of one of the rivals of the lead character gets her hair lit on fire accidentally at the start of a drag race between the two. Then we get useless confrontation after useless confrontation inspired by vengeance between the two until a climax about 80 minutes in. And the lead character 'Dude' is such a badass isn't he? As unlikable as leads get. It kind of goes into some history with his father to explain what's going on, but in no great depth at all. It also tries to be suave and cool with music playing in the background all the time, but I just didn't think it pulled it off at all. There's little to like in anyone on the screen minus Selma, but again, she's with this fool. Goes nowhere.