Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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25 to Life is a third person shooter that at times while playing it you feel like you have been given that sentence. That's probably a bit unfair to a degree as the gameplay is alright but when you die you generally have start from a long way back in the level and you can be stuck on that part of the game for ages. I got about halfway through the game and that is how far I still have been able to get up to for the reasons above. A fun playable game at times with a good hip hop soundtrack, but the difficulty and lack of originality let it down. Gameplay 2/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 3.5/5 Difficulty 1.5/5 Originality 1/5
This game is sort of like NBA Jam but with 1990s rap stars and not quite as fun. The gameplay is pretty simple though and makes for okay multiplayer action. Some of the rap stars are artists such as Naughty By Nature, LL Cool J, Public Enemy, Yoyo and others. The thing is though, once on the court, you can hardly tell them apart. Gameplay 1.5/5 Graphics 2/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 2/5 Originality 2.5/5
I never liked the driving physics of this game to rate it very highly. The track-editor and split screen head-to-head racing were the only things this game had to make it stay in the Playstation for longer than it deserved.
After not loving MBDTF or WTT, at the beginning of this I was thinking that Kanye has created something that I really enjoy again, but the album drops off a lot in the second half. Other issues I have is with the artists who are on this. I don't like Keef at all, I could give or take Big Sean-and does he fit some of the tracks he's on?-DJ Khaled's screams are featured, the vocally inept Cudi is on here, and for some reason Mase has been brought back from obscurity. I also seem to dislike Kanye as a rapper more so these days as well when he's on his ignant materialistic vibe. However, at least he has stopped singing! All in all, after a good start it drops off, and despite choosing to collab with some artists I don’t rate, it's surprising that with the rappers at Kanye's disposal that the success rate isn't higher among these 12 songs. Best Tracks: To the World, Clique, New God Flow, Cold
I like the DMX song and Nas' ain't bad either, but most of this is forgettable. Best Tracks: No Sunshine, Gangsta Tears
Reason for report