Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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This took everything that worked in the original (which I didn't play until after I played this) and made it one of the best first person shooters on PlayStation. It comprises a truly great soundtrack, for its time had great AI, great levels, great real World War II archive footage between the levels, which all made for great gameplay. Great! One of the landmark series on the PSX. Gameplay 5/5 Graphics 4.5/5 Sound 5/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 4.5/5
The best thing this does is create excitement. The settings, music, cut-scenes and plot make it feel like a film. Which isn't surprising given that it uses The Bourne Identity as the overlaying plot and takes some scenes out of the film for levels, most of the levels though are from flashbacks, making it feel like a prequel to the film. The gameplay can get a touch boring though. It's a mixture of third person shooting, and fighting. Think of the scene in the film when Jason fights that guy in the Paris apartment and stabs him with a pen. The fighting isn't like say Metal Gear Solid. It is isolated, and happens when you get close to an enemy, or when it is meant to happen which is most boss fights. It is a test of patience at times, just waiting for the right time to hit. About half way through the game I realised that if you just alternate between the light and hard punches repeatedly, it makes it a hell of a lot easier on the normal mode that I played this on. The third person shooting mechanics work well, with the cover system and AI being reasonable during shootouts. Parts of the environment also fly when they are hit by bullets. These shootouts do go too long at times though and you will have had enough at times. There is also one driving level that is also borrowed from the film - the mini chase scene.
From playing the demo when this was first released I always wanted the full game. The main reason for this was its originality. The game has to be played with a DualShock controller as the right analog stick acts as the net to catch the Apes who to me look like Monkeys but hey I'm no zoologist. I ended up getting the game and finishing it not too long ago. Gameplay wise while a lil frustrating at times like most platformers it's fun to play with the difficulty increasing perfectly bit by bit level after level with all the levels getting bigger and bigger. The last level however is a marathon, it probably took me over a couple of hours to finish, but when you catch an ape that you have been chasing for five minutes you do feel rewarded. One of the better and more original platformers on PlayStation and one most would enjoy. Gameplay 4/5 Graphics 4.5/5 Sound 3/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 5/5
I read nothing complimentary about this game before I tried it out. I even read that it was a Call of Duty clone, but as far I know there were FPS' around before COD - I don't see the similarities here. However, this game reminds me of earlier FPS' as there is nothing too complex about it, it's just an intense shooter with some stealth thrown in. While they are fine, most of the graphics are far from groundbreaking as well that perhaps adds to that feeling. Overall it's a fun shooter with a few porting issues on the PC regarding the controls, but it's nothing that ruins the game. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 3/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 2/5
Given the success of FC3 it isn't too surprising that this sequel lacks much innovation and we've been given Far Cry 3 2.0. Bell towers, outposts, vehicles, similar skills, enemies and weapons are some of the similarities and the story isn't as interesting either as the previous game. That's not to say there is nothing new but there won't be much of a learning curve if you've played FC3. I found myself choosing to do more of the side missions/tasks in this. While the world is apparently the same size as FC3, this was partly because I was getting tired of the A-B travel. Fun, plays great, but too similarly to FC3. [Normal] Gameplay 4/5 Graphics 4.5/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 5/5 Originality 2.5/5
Reason for report