Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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Jumping up a generation was what PES needed to take it to the next level and it did so. It kept the slow realistic gameplay of the ISS series and Pro Evolution Soccer 2 on PsOne but added better graphics, more teams, the PES shop, more editing etc. While gameplay wise it wasn't a huge change from the previous version, (and it didn't really need to be), everything was upped a level and made for a great football simulation. I lent this game to a friend and never got it back. Never trust anyone! Gameplay 5/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 3.5/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 4.5/5
Similar to Slam City with Scottie Pippen. You play in the videos trying to box. As with scoring in Slam City though, how to land punches is hard to pinpoint. There are still some more corny laughs though - "Kid, who taught you to fight? Your Mother?" I've never been a fan of boxing games though, so you may get more out of this is you're a fan.
If you have never played the previous games from the trilogy then I would probably recommend this. If you have and loved/liked them, you will probably find this disappointing. While graphically they have changed it up with a sort of comic book/cell shading feel to it a bit like XIII, the gameplay really adds nothing to the other games, combat actually feels worse, and while at first the story is entertaining (the opening cut scene and stuff are good) it does become boring. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 3.5/5 Originality 2/5
The Sands of Time - 5/5 - The original, less complicated of the 3 which is usually how i like my games. Warrior Within - 4/5 - Went down a different path and tried some new things, more complex darker story and battle modes. Lacked the charm of the original. Hardest of the 3 - largely due to the confusing back tracking. The Two Thrones - 4.5/5 - Returned to the environment of Sands of Time, but still keeping the new features that worked from Warrior Within. Gameplay 5/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 4.5/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 5/5
GENESIS: Perhaps best known for its animation, where the designer Jordan Mechner filmed his brother to get the Prince moving realistically in the game, however, it is way way way too easy to accidentally die in this game. It requires incredible patience. You can see that this would've been an influence to Abe's Oddysee in a lot of this game. SEGA CD: This is pretty much the exact same game as above, with the addition of some music and voices. I actually think this looks worse than the genesis version though. PS3: Prince of Persia Classic: A remake of the classic Prince of Persia games. This is more user friendly making it slightly easily than the mercilessly difficult older versions with checkpoints and better controls.
Reason for report