Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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I can't say I feel this album as much as most do. I don't really feel any track a huge amount until 'The Ecology' at track six (which is great) and overall while I like most songs to a certain degree, overall the jazz-rap/boom bap/west coast beats aren't giving me a huge amount of pleasure on the songs that aren't listed below. Best Tracks: The Ecology, Our Way, Samsonite Man, Father, When She Calls
This doesn't do it for me as I expected. I find Doom's rapping unimpressive, like he needs to find the perfect rhyme to every bar and his overall voice... I know other artists rhyme a lot - that's hip hop - but with Doom I just notice it more... Hard to explain... He is extremely overrated as an MC. Production wise also, as with past Doom I've heard I haven't really been the biggest fan of it. I find it raw and with no real colour to a lot of it. Overall the best tracks are alright but the rest of it does little for my ears. Best Tracks: Still Dope, Angelz, Yessir!, Gazzillion Ear
The first three tracks are enjoyable with classic funky Quik beats. Other tracks like 'Whatsha Wan Do', 'Ohh!', 'The Appeal' and 'Fuck Y'all' are okay but nothing really does a huge amount for me. Hopefully the next Dogg Pound album with Kurupt & Daz is an improvement on this disappointing release.
So Meth & Red finally return for a sequel to 'Blackout' from ten years ago. First off I'll say I like this a bit more than their debut. I found 'Blackout' to be overall fairly boring musically and I rated it 2.5/5. Method Man & Redman though are always entertaining to listen too with Meth growing on me all the time and Red was one of the first I discovered when I was getting into the genre and has always been a favourite. I've listened to 'Blackout! 2' a few times and it's one of those I've had differing opinions on with each listen. On the first listen I really enjoyed most of it, the second not so much, the third listen I again enjoyed a fair bit of it and now as I listen to it as I write the review I'm leaning towards not so much. So the rating has differed a couple of times in my head. There is nothing excellent on this album and if there is something I like to some degree there is an average-poor song afterwards which puts it down. There are plenty of okay-good tunes that I will list below but nothing much to play over and over again which makes an album fairly redundant. If I was rating track for track most would get a two or a three out of five for example. To summarise I'm still giving this a 3/5 because there are enough tunes I enjoy but overall there ain't nothing brilliant and some filler. Best Tracks: I'm Dope Nigga, Hey Zulu, City Lights, Mrs. International, Father's Day, Dis Iz 4 All My Smokers.
I hadn't been anticipating this much, and I must say that I've been surprised at some of the artists that Kanye has attached himself to of late. Keef comes to mind along with others such as Kid Cudi who I struggle to see anything special in. It's somewhat ironic that Chainz has a song called I'm Different', when this album is anything but, as there is very little here if anything that we haven't heard before. While there is a fair bit of trap rap here, the best stuff are the more soulfully produced tracks such as 'Stop Me Now' and 'Ghetto Dreams'. An okay listen, but nothing, be it Chainz, or the beats, stand out for repeated listens. 2-2.5/5 Best Tracks: No Lie, Stop Me Now, Ghetto Dreams, I Feel Good
Reason for report