Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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Not feeling this one. It never engaged me. Some of the acting was unimpressive. It seemed like they were reading from a script. The characters end how they start with no character development present. Apart from Will Forte, none of them connect. One or two funny moments. The attempted heartfelt moments didn't really affect me. 2.5-2 out of 5.
I expected a lot more from this. I'd been a fan of the Lego video games for a number of years and I enjoyed the humour those games provided. Some reviews I saw also hinted at it being more suited to both adults and children, but it definitely feels more tilted towards kids than those reviews foretold. The Batman character bothered me a bit. I hope that kids who know nothing about the character don't think that's him. A laugh or two but ehh.. 3 - 2.5 out of 5.
Kevin Smith is one of the luckiest people in the entertainment industry. This is just gay 'joke' after Batman parody after gay 'joke'. I wonder why a 45 year old would want to write something like this. The couple of Kevin Smith fly-ins are pointless and are among the worst parts of this. As a Batman fan, those parodies offer a laugh or two, but other than that, an hour can be better spent.
The British accents mixed in with some German ones from others including Hopkins is the only bad thing about this. It was bettered years later with 'Downfall' but is still engrossing stuff.
It is evident early on in this film that it would have been source material for Liam Neeson's 2011 'Unknown'. It's a good mystery at the beginning as well, where, as the viewer, you really do wonder what happened to Dr. Richard Walker's wife. It lost me a touch nearing the end but is recommended if you enjoy mystery/thriller films.
Reason for report