Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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[Spoilers]The Fisher King starts off interesting with a radio jock's advice leading to the caller massacring then killing themselves. It develops into a rom-com in the middle of the movie before going back to a drama/comedy film. The relationship between Jack and Anne gets tired as well. A bit of a mixed bag of a movie. 3-2.5 out of 5.
Enjoyable but the story has issues. The Russian villains and Denzel 'saving' a young hooker is played out. The whole timing of everything and OCD like qualities of the protagonist don't feature much near the end of the story. And there are times when Denzel is one on one with the villain where he would just get popped in real life.
[Spoilers ]Liam returns for another action packed episode of Taken, but this has bigger issues than the previous movies in the series. Bryan could've just cooperated with the police once the surveillance footage of his ex being taken was seen. The life insurance policy probably would've been found faster. The first 20-25 minutes to lead into the action was somewhat corny-more so than the previous two. The car chase direction was terrible. I couldn't see what was going on. There were also the two times where it seemed like the screenwriter/director took us for chumps where Bryan explained the plot of the film up to that point. I wasn't needed.
This is close to a 3.5/5. As many reviews state, the main criticism is that a lot of the stand up comedy isn't very funny. It does get better towards the end when the contestants are competing in the competition, but still never reaches any great heights.
This is poor until 'Midnight Run'. Particularly so given that I was coming straight from his great debut. The following 'Used' sounds like it has some of the skeleton of his hit 'Fake'. It sounds like he was trying too hard to fit in with the new jack swing trend over the first handful of songs. Although, I will say there are some original touches in songs like 'Somebody'. The second half is a big improvement though and has some impressive moments, with the title being the best, but nothing that is competing with his best from his first two albums. Best Tracks: All True Man, Sentimental, What Is This Thing Called Love?, The Morning After
Reason for report