Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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Not quite worth the hype of waiting almost half a decade for, but this is still a solid release from Saigon. My favourite part of the album is the middle portion where 'Preacher' to 'Believe It' just flow on to each other and he does the six-minute songs pretty well. There are too many slow moments though. Just Blaze doesn't give his best throughout the whole album. Best Tracks: Clap, Preacher, It's Alright, Believe It.
This album is lyrically a touch cliched and a disappointment on this is DMX's first verse on D3MONS which to me sounds lazy, but I like enough of the beats and MGK ain't a bad quick flowing rapper. The production varies between softer pop rap beats and harder southern/trap-influenced beats such as those on 'Wild Boy'. Best Tracks: Wild Boy, See My Tears, Runnin’, Invincible, On My Way, Half Naked, Almost Famous.
There are certain artists who get clowned on, and MGK is one of them. There is this stigma with being a rapper with lighter skin that means they are judged more harshly by many. While Eminem has attributed the colour of his skin to help him become successful, which few could argue against, when it comes to some rap fans, it often works the other way. I've seen users attacking MGK's rapping talent like he is horrendous. I don't hear it. When he spits with more pace here, on songs like the 'El Diablo', 'Hollywood Whore', 'Floor 13' and others like 'Rap Devil', I think his flow is quite enjoyable to listen to. The album begins well with the aforementioned tracks that have darker production before we get the many female sung hooks that have always been common on MGK albums. 'Glass House' and 'Waste Love' are the best of them. Apart from the beginning of the album, after the first listen I was underwhelmed but there isn't much I don't find something in. The only thing I dislike here is the punk-rap closing song, 'I Think I'm Okay', and 'Candy', to a lesser extent. Best Tracks: El Diablo, Hollywood Whore, Glass House, Waste Love, Roulette
If you look at the three featuring artists from 'Live at the Barbeque', Nas went on to become one the most popular rappers, releasing one of the most acclaimed albums of all time, Joe Fatal went on to not doing anything much, and Akinyele has released a few albums but never achieved a lot, and given his 'Put It in Your Mouth' flavoured songs, he never fit the mould to make it big, so it brought about mixed fortunes. Stylistically Akinyele is a fun original rapper, with some comedic bars, adlibs, lots of songs about sex which he shows more of on future albums, and he does create some enjoyable music. This album for me has always been one with a quarter of a dozen or so of stand-outs, with the remainder not being different enough musically for it to be a classic, but it never drops off much with an enjoyable 11 tracks of boom bap. Close to four out of five stars. Best Tracks: Worldwide, Outta State, The Bomb
Aktapuss contains more explicit sexual lyrics than his debut 'Vagina Diner', but as far as listening goes, I enjoy both of them considerably. Quality beats, funny lyrics and adlibs, and a good flow make this an enjoyable treat from Akinyele who has an original style. It is probably a few tracks too long though as Ak doesn't change it up enough for it to be a repeatedly listened to. This also contains a must listen cover of Biggie's 'Juicy' in 'Coochie'. Best Tracks: Butt Naked, Coochie, Sister, Rather Fuck You, Put It in Your Mouth
Reason for report