Reviews by jfclams
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Why is it so mellow? What is a duck sick?
KRS-One produced and has his hands all over Just-Ice's third effort, which mixes in some dancehall tracks with his typical bravado-filled excursions. I would say, in spite of the celebrity assistance, his hardcore self-deprecating style never fails to come through ("Welfare Recipients").
Probably the most underground sounding rap record of 1986, hands down. His wild persona is actually drowned out by Mantronix's bizarre production, which matches the mood and feel of the album cover to a tee.
Essentially, these are collected leftovers of tracks Eazy was getting together for a planned double album while he was alive. Not great by any means, but it definitely showcases the artist's infamous renegade personality.
Less gangsta rap record, more anthropomorphic Eazy character Strikes Back. COMP-TON!
Reason for report