Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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I just can't mess with most of the rapping on this. Be it Earl or most of the featuring artists who rap with basically the same dull annoying flow. The production's okay, but there is little variation on some of the songs from the verses to the hook at times making it boring. 'The Chum' is one such example, which also features some of the best production on its outro oddly enough.
Except for the obvious 'classics' from the mid-nineties which I mostly enjoy and plenty of ya'll love, I've never dug much from the Wu as a group or from solo albums from members of the Clan. So whatever I got from listening to this album I would have been happy with. There were no expectations. What I found I was pretty happy with. The remixes are poor and so are a couple of the normal tracks like 'Rims Pokin Out' but there is stuff to enjoy. The first three songs are all very good with replay value. 'Lipton' is enjoyable also...until the chorus which ruins the song. Tracks five and six aren't as good as the first three songs but are still to my liking. 'Hips' is one you will probably skip and then you have two bangin' tracks in 'Wu-Tang' and 'Dopium'. Then before the remixes begin, you have 'Classic' which is okay but nothing special. And I'll just add that the off beat "classic, classic, classic" in the chorus doesn't add to the track at all. He would've been better off just letting the beat roll. A quick point on the bonus track remixes; They get worse as they go on. 'Stomp da Roach (Remix)' is okay, 'Dopium (Remix)' is bad and 'Hips (Remix)' is very bad. I guess if you like electronic music mixed with hip hop maybe you could get something out of them but I'm guessing most fans wouldn't. On the whole, there is some rubbish here, mainly the remixes, but they have been given the tag of 'bonus track' so when critiquing you are probably not meant to include them in your rating. The rest of the tracks though are ones I mainly enjoy, which earn Dopium a comfortable 3/5. Best Tracks: God is Love, Train Trussle, Stomp da Roach, Dopium, Coke
There is something that his first album has that this doesn't which doesn't make this stand out or work like 'Penicillin on Wax' does. Looking at the beats, it's not as intense overall or as good - there isn't a song on here as crazily intense as 'Dogs Gonna Getcha' and lyrically while Tim Dog disses many, not as many lines seem to grab me as much as his debut. 'Maddog' seems to try to be something like the aforementioned track but it isn't the same quality. It's an okay listen overall but after his first most will probably be underwhelmed by this release. Best Tracks: I Don't Give a Fuck, I Get Wrecked, If I Was a Cop, Maddog
A good debut solo album from Consequence, which feels like it could have been a feature in Kanye's College Dropout trilogy at times. The beats perhaps aren't as good but the concept of trying to get a job and rap, and that Consequence has a similar voice do add to that feeling. While it finishes a touch slowly with 'Callin' Me', 'Uncle Rahiem' and 'Grammy Family' being the worst cuts on offer, I still feel like it deserves a high score as there ain't anything I don't like, and the best here is real quality. Best Tracks: Don't Forget 'Em, Uptown, The Good The Bad The Ugly, Night Night, Disperse
The first two tracks are good rhythmic bangers and among the best tracks on the album. From there the tracks in the middle of the LP are generally good, but nothing great, and then it finishes well with what is my favourite track on the album in the vocoder R&B/rap track in 'Echo'. From memory and the rating I have given 'Welcome to the Zoo' this is a vast improvement and quite a different album. Best Tracks: Untamed Gorilla, What It Is, I Got It, Echo.
Reason for report