Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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This is one that took a while to grow on me as the beats could be better at times, but you can't escape Biggie's flow and many of the classic tunes. Best Tracks: Machine Gun Funk, Ready to Die, One More Chance, Juicy, Everyday Struggle, Big Poppa, Suicidal Thoughts
Add this album to the likes of 'Killafornia Organization', 'True Game', 'Stressin'', 'Bad N Fluenz' and 'Brains All Over the Street', to name a few, that are all underheard and seemingly unknown dope west coast hip hop. I probably would have missed this one as well if LQ wasn't a feature on CJ's 'True Game' (which you can hear on track 9-'Setup')-that is one of the better West Coast albums ever in my opinion-who also has a couple of features on this. While all of the beats on this are not quite as catchy, it has similar production themes, and while lacking anything too unique, Poppa is an enjoyable emcee to listen to. It is a pet peeve of mine though when there is a minute of BS before the best tracks. CJ Mac has that on one his songs, and the best track here, 'Whatever Whenever', has it as well. Nevertheless, if you enjoy funky '90s west coast rap, this is well worth checking out. Best Tracks: Whatever Whenever, Killa 4 My Hood, Heaven on Earth, Unsatisfied
Apparently I'm sexist for not liking this album... The shit people believe and tout. Good voice? Nope. Good beats? Nope. Good flow? For the most part, nope. This had been on my to listen to list since it dropped. Nothing at all from tha antics I'd seen or the music I'd heard from her made me want to check it out. Winning the (#Metoo) Grammy was the final push I needed. I do not and did not get the hype of 'Bodak Yellow'. I'd kind of forgotten about it and as I played this album it didn't stand out at all. I had to hit back to make sure I didn't miss it. It's just another song. How many songs is she talking about hoes or shoes? Average trap beats with an average rapper. The person she had beef with, Nicki Minaj, has never dropped a consistent project, but she is a much more engaging rapper with a much better production team. The opener, 'Get Up 10', is probably the best here with some build up in the beat and a higher tempo flow from Belcalis.
The great G-Funk sound of the brilliant previous album from CJ Mac has been replaced by something that sounds like it should almost be on Bad Boy at the time this was released, with the lyrics also following that trend on many songs. There is still some G-Funk present, but with CJ not producing anything, and Mad (the producer of the previous album) only working on two songs, it sounds different. Most of the songs still go well, but it's not as noteworthy as his overlooked classic debut. Best Tracks: Hea, Hate, Ends, Big Pimpin
Good beats, catchy hooks and some good featuring artists make this a good album from Pall Wall. The main issue I had with Paul's last album was that everything sounded the same. The same complaint can't be made for this as the production differs from track 1 to 13. There are some average tracks as you'd expect like 'Lemon Drop' but there is some good southern rap on offer here and enough I've liked throughout my multiple listens of this. Best Tracks: I Need Mo, Got to Get It, Fly, I Grind, One Hundred, I'm Clean, Look at Me Now
Reason for report