Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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The alternate WWII plot in this game continues to be interesting and offers some picturesque settings and scenarios (such as going on to the moon). As with pretty much every single FPS these days and for many years, there isn't much new, but this is a fun one. Completing it on normal difficulty wasn't extremely difficult but challenging enough as some bosses and other instances offered a challenge. Gameplay 4/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 3/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 3.5/5
Another FMV based game for the Sega CD where the gameplay is thin. It does offer an original experience though where you control a guy trying to escape from goons trying to kill him by giving him the right direction. Choosing the wrong way will result in a video of the goons catching you, and choosing the right way will continue the story. The problem with this is that you are pretty much guessing and often there is little common sense needed. For example, at the beginning of the game you get on a skateboard instead of a bike or in a car to escape. Like Night Trap though this is worth a quick play.
You know what to expect when you pick up a WipEout game: some quick racing, good visuals and tricky tracks. Each title gets slightly better but I don't think any game pushes the envelope with as many new modes and features that there could be.
You could add about a point to this if you haven't played other winter sports games. Although this offers a variety of sports from curling, ski jumping and slalom racing to name a few, this game has pretty much been released in the form of Winter Olympic titles in the past.
It is hard to get too excited about this these days, after playing many button mashing games over the years, but this does what it does well, offering various events from skiing, ski jumping, bobsleigh, speed skating, cross country skiing and so forth. It isn't a bad looking Saturn title either.
Reason for report