Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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I never really gave Slim Thug's previous album 'Already Platinum' a good listen to; after this I will. On 'Boss of All Bosses' while there ain't nothing extraordinary on this disc its fairly enjoyable from track 1 to 13 for me. What works? The production is nice, Slim Thug comes correct on the verses and it has features from the legendary Scarface and a fellow favourite of mine Z-Ro. On the negative side of things, there are some 'poppy' choruses, lyrically there isn't anything overly thought-provoking, but the beats are bumpin' so you can overlook that to an extent, and the one or two skippable tracks, particularly 'She Like That'. It also definitely drops off in the second half of the disc. On the whole, I'm largely a beat guy and I enjoy most of these and Slim's style also. Best Tracks: I'm Back, I Run, Thug, Associates & Welcome 2 Houston
This was the first I've heard of T-K.A.S.H, who I gave a try because he is signed to the Guerrilla Funk label owned by Paris, who is one of the best producer/rappers in hip hop history in my humble opinion. Rapping wise, T-K.A.S.H doesn't have anything too much out of the box or special in his delivery or flow but he does have a powerful voice to convey his strong messages. The production is done by Paris for this album and it's probably not as 'funky' as some past Guerrilla Funk material on the whole, but on certain tracks, it still has his signature style. Overall, Brains All Over the Street is a strong album from beginning to end and more than worth a listen if you are into conscious/political hip hop subject matter. Best Tracks: Dead Man Walking, Pardon Me, Good Morning America, Sign Language
The reason I got this was probably like most, the Michael Jackson features which are among the best tracks, particularly 'Why'. While there are some other okay tracks the rest of the songs aren't as good and the boys don't have brilliant voices. Many of the slow tempo tracks don't have a huge amount of vocal build-up or musical change to keep you interested. Amongst all the slower type tracks the few more uptempo ones like '24/7' and 'Gotta Be You' work pretty well though and are the type of new jack swingy type R&B that the mid-'90s were known for. Worth a listen if you are an MJ fan and/or a fan of mid 90's R&B, but as the overall rating suggests, there isn't a huge amount on offer here. Best Tracks: Why, 24/7, I Need You, Gotta Be You
Not near his first EP, 'I Miss 1994', but it's another solid EP from P.A and probably better than his previous one, Rhythmicism Blvd. There is some good jazz-rap on offer here and hopefully, he is saving his best for a future studio album which would be great. Best Tracks: The Beginning, Melodically Vibrant, Last Days, Sunshine Pain.
Great beats and good flow. Has a sort of Jazz rap old school production feel to the tracks. Maybe that’s why it’s called I Miss 1994… The only real negative is that some songs sound pretty similar. A very enjoyable EP though. Best Tracks: Incistroduction, Rap Author (Incise Remix), Rap Author, On Our Way, Drift
Reason for report