Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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For all the hype of this PS4 exclusive title it offers little new. The cover system including the stealth mechanics are far from the best out there. There are also few opportunities to choose what strategy to take. The game either makes you use stealth or shoot your way through. It's too linear. The story and characters never grabbed me minus the interesting opening. The voice acting is top but I can't say any of the music was memorable. The cut-scenes can also not be skipped. While they are not extremely long like an MGS game, and it may not be too bad on the first play, it definitely is a negative when it comes to replay value. The most annoying aspect of the game is the inability to run at times and the slow pace the character walks at. Some nice detailed graphics, interesting weapons and maybe there is something to build on here, but even the steampunk-ish like 19th century world doesn't seem as creative as it could be. Gameplay 3/5 Graphics 4.5/5 Sound 3/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 2.5/5
It's rare for a film to be made into a game and for it to be great, or even good. And this doesn't stop the trend. Here we have a mission-based 'open world' driving game ala Driver but it falls short in many areas. First to what it does well though. The driving is fairly fast and handling the minis and other vehicles with their arcade like handling can be satisfying. There are various modes including mission, stunt, race, time trial and free roam. That's about it though. The mission mode consists of driving to a red dot on a radar screen (Was this in the film?). That's right, there is no actual map. This makes it frustrating to know how to get there and just means retry after retry. This is the only reason the game is challenging. The missions also get you driving across the same location too often. The recreated LA isn't big or varied enough, the other motorists on the road drive like maniacs and the story itself is shallow. The other modes: Race mode doesn't offer difficulty levels and is far too easy. The fact the environment isn't very exciting or big and that you can't switch cars makes free roam mode less appealing than what it could be. I'd say this was a quickly thrown together game to tie-in with the film and while it's fun for a little while there are many better choices in this genre. Gameplay 2.5/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 2/5 Difficulty 3/5 Originality 2/5
This is definitely a different sounding album than I expected after hearing Aceyalone's debut before this. The genres on offer here are really doo-wop (which is an influence of funk/soul/blues/R&B) with hip hop. Most of it works though and you end up with something fairly original. The album is under thirty minutes in playing time which makes it is a really easy listen and I enjoy almost every track but I don't think I love enough of it. A good fun original album though and you have to like it for that. Best Tracks: Can't Hold Back, What It Wuz, On the One, Workin Man's Blues, Power to the People.
An open-world online-only racer with kilometres and kilometres of recreated America to drive through. This is no doubt the game's strength, with a number of cities across America to visit including LA, Chicago, Detroit and Seattle to name a few. The gameplay itself goes well enough. It feels somewhat like Need for Speed: Most Wanted with police chases and modification of cars being features. While there is a lot of A-B driving to go to the location of the next mission before fast travel is available, on the road you'll find lots of challenges (speed, slalom, jumping, racing line accuracy) which makes the trips go faster. As with a number of online-dependent games I've played, I don't understand it here either. Why must I need to be online to race against AI? Actually, when beginning a mission and asking for a fellow human being to join me, I have often been unsuccessful. I have rarely been able to play a PVP race either. Another negative feature is the graphics. They are not bad by any means but they don't look like PS4 quality to me. (edit-major updates did improve this). In terms of the difficulty, it's not a game that is too difficult if your car/s are at the right level. The most challenging events for me were without a doubt the chase missions, where damaging the car in front can be frustrating (that damn prison bus)!!! Worth trying if you like open-world arcade racers. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 3.5/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 2.5/5
This is undeserving of its low rep. Overall, the production is more palatable than a lot of other 1990s rap. The beat, particularly on the hook on 'Murder She Wrote', is fire. Before I checked and realised, I thought she was under the tutelage of Ice-T instead of Eazy-E because in my opinion, the beats feel like more of what Ice-T used to spit over. As a rapper, lyrically the album is a tad monotonous, but Tairrie's presence is decent enough and she has a noticeable bar every now and again. Better than expected and I'm not hearing anything I hate. Best Tracks: Anything You Want, Murder She Wrote, Packin' a Punch
Reason for report