The first track 'Hate in Your Eyes' bangs. Dre is the producer with Storch on the keyboards which we know from Still D.R.E. can be an amazing formula. The chorus borrows a little from 'Stayin' Alive' by the Bee Gees. As the title suggests, the song is about haters. The following 'Let the Thugs in the Club' is decent but then it runs into problems. 'So Serious' is boring with the "so serious" line being constantly repeated which gets annoying. From there it just varies from decent to poor. The production isn't attention-grabbing and much of the lyrics are likewise, being your standard gangster rap. 'Work' kind of bangs, and 'Let It Be Known', produced by QD III, does as well, featuring the legend Scarface, and Xzibit, who sounds great on it as well. I've checked out nearly all of Mack's discography and this is near the bottom of the list.
Beats: ★★☆
Rapping/Bars: ★★★☆
Hooks: ★★☆
Best Tracks: Hate in Your Eyes, Let It Be Known
A good listen but there is nothing at all memorable to keep for a rainy day. I like Meth as a rapper, he is my favourite from the Wu family, and rides many of these beats really well, but there's nothing catchy. Most beats are decent but I feel they're missing that little something extra to elevate them and the song to the next level. I have often felt that with Wu and Wu affiliated projects though. There are many skits but most are short enough to not disrupt the flow of the album. I don't get the point of Donald Trump insincerely saying he can't wait for the album though... Looking at the list below this may seem like a harsh rating but everything is just decent-good. I'd rather an album with a few stinkers if the high points are great. 2.5-3/5
Best Tracks: Cradle Rock, Dangerous Ground, Shaolin What, Suspect Chin Music, Party Crasher, Snuffed Out, Elements, Judgement Day
I thought that it was time I gave more of Spice 1 a go. The only project I'd checked prior to this was his previous album titled '187 He Wrote'. I enjoyed that, but I think this is better. There ain't one bad song, and from song 1 to 15, you'll be riding the raps. There ain't a song close to rivaling the best in the genre but there is something to like in every song. At times the hooks could be better. 'Nigga Sings the Blues' is one such example. The verses are great but the female sung hook lets it down a touch for me, however, in contrast, songs like 'Three Strikes'' catchy hook is one of its strengths. Recommended for fans of west coast gangsta rap.
Best Tracks: Jealous Got Me Strapped, Hard to Kill, Nigga Sings the Blues, Bustas Can't See Me, Murder Ain't Crazy, Three Strikes
This took a couple of listens for me. I found the production underwhelming at first, but by the second and third listen more of it clicked. I still think the beats could be better, but Cormega's flow and rhymes are what you're really listening to this for. 3.5-4/5
Beats: ★★★
Rapping/Bars: ★★★★☆
Hooks: ★★★☆
Best Tracks: Verbal Graffiti, Endangered Species
I love a number of Apollo Brown projects. I've been into him since 2010 when he dropped 'The Reset'. I came away from this without much though. Che' Noir comes with a lot of the same kind of raps/flows we've all heard before on independent/underground hip hop and some of the things she says are ridiculous such as all cops won't be satisfied until all blacks are dead. Unlike other rappers, like Z-Ro, who do have content seeing it from different sides, there is no ownership for anything from her. That kind of rhetoric is boring and dangerous. They are still hot, but if the beats were Apollo's best, I wouldn't care about the vocals too much, but I don't think they are here. Apollo's worst album for a minute.
Best Tracks: Anti-Social, Freedom