Another one of these cool looking black-and-white platforming/puzzle titles ala Limbo. This looks even better though with some red mixed in throughout the game. It isn't the hardest one of these type of games but frustration did lead me to a walkthrough a few times as I finished it. This one's story is effective with up and down emotions despite no cut scenes or anything much to build the story at all. Some trial and error puzzles and the controls at times are the only real downsides.
This kart game offers very little in comparison to others on the platform such as CTR, Speed Freaks and Muppet RaceMania to name a few. There are only nine tracks, each with very little difference between them and nothing too exciting either. I think there are only about 4-5 weapons and there is no multi-player mode which is a must for a game like this.
Gameplay 2/5
Graphics 2.5/5
Sound 1/5
Difficulty 3.5/5
Originality 1/5
This could have offered something worthwhile to play other than FIFA/PES, but it just doesn't seem finished, and doesn't live up to the Michael Owen name, who at the time was one of the best young strikers on the planet.
Gameplay 2/5
Graphics 3.5/5
Sound 4/5
Difficulty 4/5
Originality 3.5/5
The arcade version of the game is more of a 3D beat 'em up than the side-scroller from the Mega Drive, with jumping not even an option. You only begin with 2 credits though! I hate to think of the amount of cash some people would have spent trying to complete this game many years ago, as it gets tricky.