Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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This game looked sensational upon its release, with its paradise island setting, but the gameplay never completely grabbed me, and I'd say it's a tad too hard as well. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 5/5 Sound 3.5/5 Difficulty 3/5 Originality 3.5/5
While not reinventing the wheel, if you like lightgun shooters for the PS2 this ain't a bad one. What I enjoy about this is the short levels, as these games tire my index finger and eyes out. Apart from the Endgame mode, it also has a sci-fi orientated shooter as well.
This is another WWII FPS playing as the Allies. A Yank war correspondent in this instance. This doesn't offer anything unique but gives the gamer the choice of doing many of the levels with stealth (the much much harder way) or the usual FPS way to shoot your way through trouble. The graphics and settings offer some picturesque environments and some of the orchestral music is superb evoking some hyped emotions. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 4.5/5 Difficulty 5/5 Originality 2.5/5
I finished this in one quick sitting on easy difficulty running through it as could be done in the old days. I haven't played the original Duck Tales on NES/Gameboy to compare it but it's an enjoyable trip. The responsiveness of the controls at times is the only real annoyance. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 3/5
This is just not as fun as it should be. The handling is too difficult if you ask me, and limits the enjoyment this game could give you. The shifting mechanism is cool - being able to switch to any car to complete a mission, and then straight back to your original car - but again, I don't think the game allows this to be as good as it could be. The necessity to smash a car you're chasing instead of being able to box them in is also a flaw in my opinion. My final whinge is that the game doesn't flow well. It makes you do side missions to continue with the story which is unnecessary. Worth a play if you're a Driver fan, but it hasn't kept me too interested to have long sessions. Gameplay 3/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 3/5 Originality 4/5
Reason for report