Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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Despite starting off slowly, this is surprisingly enjoyable. Often after an artist labelled a one-hit wonder hits on their debut, such as Snow did with 'Informer', the quality of their music drops, but overall, this is an improvement. The songs here sound less similar to each other, are more upbeat and hip-hoppy than on '12 Inches of Snow'. Try not tapping your toe to the catchy 'Dreams', 'Rivertown' or 'Murder Town' hooks. The opening two songs, that showcase Junior Reid and NinjaMan more than Snow, are skips for me, as is 'Anything for You', but everything else is mostly bangin'. I'm not an expert on the genre, but I think the songs I dislike have more conventional reggae/dancehall production. Beats: ★★★★ Rapping/Bars: ★★★☆ Hooks: ★★★★ Best Tracks: Rivertown, Murder Love, Babylon, Dreams, If You Like the Sound, Sexy Girl, Let's Get It On
Most Curb episodes have a memorable scene, if not more, this kind of just staggers along. 2.5-3 out of 5.
How Larry acts around Irma makes this episode. His utter disgust with everything she does is a highlight of the season. The line-up disagreement doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the episode's plot making it feel a bit out of place. The house husband business is a decent laugh but predictably falls apart like anything Leon 'helps' Larry out with. 3.5-3 out of 5.
The opening phone conversation where everything is misinterpreted is great! Add in Leon just listening in eating chips for added gold. From there, nothing beats it. A decent episode.
A better episode than the last one as the subplots felt less forced. The best scene here is seeing how angry Larry gets when his ideas for the mini bar aren't accepted. It reminded me of the great scene when Ted Danson doesn't swap sandwiches with him back in season 7. Larry poking fun at the stupidity of using 'they' to address one person is a highlight as well. Maria Sofia losing it about her jacket being 'stolen' is also a laugh. Still not the laugh a minute show it used to be but a worthy episode.
Reason for report