Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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I imagine this was Sega's response to Nintendo's Tetris in a way. It lacked the addictiveness though of Tetris, but is still a fun multiplayer falling block puzzle game. Some great music too!
Some great graphics for the PlayStation which do well to recreate the colour and imagery of the movie of the same name, and the characters are recreated well also. However, the gameplay lets it down. I can't imagine finishing this without a walkthrough. The gameplay revolves very much around finding an item/talking to the right people etc, to move further in the game. But a lot of the time you're left unsure what to do, and you have to be in the perfect spot to pick up items and use things. If you're not in the perfect spot Miette whines at you which begins to wear thin fairly early.
A good way to describe this is Resident Evil on a train, substituting the zombies for terrorists. I went back to this recently and it didn't play as well as I remembered it to, but there are some good moments of action.
I had been longing for a football managing game for years, so when I got this as a present I was a happy chap. I didn't have anything to compare it against at the time and have since obviously got up to date managing games but at the time this was a quality managing game with I spent hours and hours immersed in. Apparently it was the fastest selling PC game at the time.
Although there is a deep story built around it, this is a puzzle game. To put it simply, the main character (Vincent) is cheating on his girlfriends (Katherine and Catherine), and due to this he has nightmares as are other guys in the area, who are being found dead in bed. The nightmares involve moving blocks around to try to get to the top of the level and wake up, where the story moves along, before another nightmare. After each stage of the level there are also questions you are asked that apparently determine what ending you get. The game is challenging. I started on normal mode and passed about 4 levels, but I was just finding it far too frustrating, so I switched it to easy, which still offered a challenge. I love a good puzzle game and this plays well offering some originality. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 3.5/5
Reason for report