For me, this is one of the better albums I have in my collection. It features a great fusion of genres such as R&B, Gospel, Soul, Rap, Jazz and Funk to name some, there are probably more here I'm missing also, and everything fits well together. With the lyrical and vocal content, Ellington Jordan has an emotive voice that conveys what he is trying to say and gets the meaning across well. In terms of the subject matter, a lot of it is spiritual and gospel type stuff. Apart from Ellington, the hip hop portion of the album comes apparently from a rapper named 'A-One' who I've never heard of and is on three to four songs. While no Rakim, he does the job nicely and helps change it up. Overall, its an album fairly different to most of what I have and normally listen to and one that I enjoy every time I play it.
Best Tracks: Revelations, Dirty Water, From the First Day, Jesus, He Don't Like Em, Much Rather Be
Bring back that '00s R&B! This alternative R&B sound that everyone is doing doesn't work very well here. Not much is catchy and there is a lack of build-up or variance in the songs. I also haven't heard anything from Mario that says he can do it to a level that makes him stand out from the crowd.
Best Tracks: Crowns and Diamonds
There are some really good songs here. I've always respected and liked Talib as a rapper but have never absolutely loved a whole project. Its short duration helps it, but this is one of the most consistent projects from front to back from him. Nothing matches his best, like some of the tracks from Eardrum, but it's all likeable and of high quality with some excellent rapping, from Talib and the featuring artists, with some nice soulful beats. 3.5-4/5
Best Tracks: State of Grace, Violations, Rare Portraits, New Leaders
This is like a few albums I've listed to of late. A decent consistent listen but it's lacking any amazing tunes. There are a plethora of better '94 hip hop albums. 3-2.5 / 5
Best Tracks: Fantastic Voyage, U Know Hoo!, It Takes a Thief (LP Mix), I Remember
The production varies from being fairly minimal to lush like beats. As a rapper, I'm not in love with her. At times she is a bit 'mumbly' with the production overshadowing her, this is probably most seen on 'Welcome to My World'. She doesn't sound like the most natural rapper, particularly when she spits fast. I don't hate this but there's nothing I really like either. It does sound unique in parts though, particularly considering it's an '01 album.
Best Tracks: Keith 'n' Me, What Is It?