Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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I'm not even a big fan of 36 Chambers, so given we are going back there, I should have guessed I wouldn't enjoy this much, and out of all the rap albums heralded as classics, this is probably the one I would ask "why?" for the longest time. The beats are very raw and 36 Chamberish, but the best thing about 36 Chambers for me was the rapping, from the likes of Meth and others, but instead, you get this strange fellow on the whole thing. If there is one thing to give props to, it's that it has originality, thanks to ODB, and I do enjoy some tracks here, but not anywhere near enough. This is one for people who love RZA's early-mid '90s beats and ODB, but I'm not one of those. Best Tracks: Shimmy Shimmy Ya, Brooklyn Zoo, Hippa to da Hoppa, Proteck Ya Neck II the Zoo
This apparently started development as the third Rollcage game. It's evident as soon as you enter the menu with the sound effects being similar as you move through the options. The way the single-player races are broken up is also akin to the Rollcage titles. Once you get into a race, the vehicles are similar and there are the Rollcage-esque wall riding and pickups. The differences are apparent also. The high speeds are gone, the visuals are more cartoony, the difficulty is much easier and it's basically a more kid-friendly Rollcage. It feels more like a kart racer than the fast-paced racing game it started development as. Gameplay 3/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 3/5 Difficulty 3/5 Originality 2/5
With many of the albums I have given the 5/5 rating to, it has often taken some thought and pondering whether or not to bestow the rating of perfection upon it. With this album though, I have never had any doubt. I don't buy the criticism that much of the second disc is filler or to rate an album with twenty-seven tracks down if a few don't work. At the end of the day the artist has given you double of what most albums have and in my opinion, almost everything is good-fantastic. Lyrically, you've got your gangster tracks like 'Ambitionz Az a Ridah' and '2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted', your chick/bitch tracks in 'How Do You Want It' and then songs which go deeper which Pac always did like 'I Ain't Mad at Cha', and so on. While it still bumps, the original 'California Love' was planned to be on Dre's album so Pac gets a weaker remix of the g-funk classic. The other criticism you could have is that lyrically it isn't as deep as his other albums, with Pac trying to fit into his new home on Deathrow. However, overall you have twenty plus great West Coast/G-Funk beats, thanks largely to Daz and Johnny J, with Pac doing what he did best which was tearing 'em apart. You can't play almost any song on this and not bump your head. Beats: ★★★★★ Rapping/Bars: ★★★★★ Hooks: ★★★★★ Best Tracks: Ambitionz az a Ridah, Got My Mind Made Up, Heartz of Men, Only God Can Judge Me, Can't C Me, Holla at Me, Check Out Time, All Eyez on Me.
I've been playing this series for over 15 years now, since it was first released for the PlayStation. I was hooked after playing the demo of Everybody's Golf 2 and while not a lot has changed from one incarnation to the next, I've always anticipated the next game and made sure I had the new titles when I've upgraded my Sony console. They truly kept us waiting for this one. It's been many years since the last EB Golf title and the first one on the PS4. The Good: The gameplay has always been the series strength and it's the same here. An easy to pick up, but hard to master (particularly when you play online and your opponents are scoring eagles almost every hole) mechanic has been kept. The three button press swing method, with spin, wind and a lot of mathematics being key to avoiding bogeys. There are some fresh online modes such as Turf War where a team plays frantically over a number of minutes over a number of holes to score the most points to be victorious. This is where the addition of the golf buggy comes in handy. There is also fishing, if that's your thing. I haven't tried it yet. The Bad: The pop ups/notifications! Jesus! I have complained in the past about racing games that don't let the gamer skip cutscenes, like the story is that important, but here it's worse. They're everywhere. After hitting almost any shot you are informed multiple times of experience you've gained. To play a VS mode in solo mode, the BS before you get to play is incredible, (I don't care that you're one of the ES Girls, and I've just beaten another member of your crew)....There are many before the golf quizzes as well! It's infuriating. I don't understand who thought it was a good idea to not include a skip button, or an option to disable them. The lack of courses and the need to replay the same ones so many times in solo mode to progress is bewildering. There are only 5 courses, plus 2 as DLCs (which I haven't bought). It really isn't enough for the amount of times you have to play them to progress further. I'm guessing there will be even more courses to buy as DLCs in the future. As mentioned earlier, that while there is the Turf War mode, there doesn't seem to just be a chance to play a round against others online that doesn't involve having to watch them play as well. It takes forever playing this way! I was able to do this in the PS3 EB titles, so I have no idea why it's not here. The developers added fishing, but they left great aspects out that the series already had... If you love the series you won't be displeased with this. While it's a touch easier than the older games in the series as they seem to be pretty kind when putting (a shot that would just miss in older EB titles seems to roll in here), it's enjoyable, infuriating and challenging as the series has always been, it's just disappointing that it's missing a couple of features that had either been in the series in the past, or that with the years taken to develop this, a few more courses couldn't have been designed. Gameplay 4.5/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 3/5
This is easily Eminem's best album. He is more serious, his voice is better, the production is a big improvement overall, and there are a greater number of great songs featured. 'Without Me' is also a better single and song in the same vein as 'My Name Is or 'The Real Slim Shaddy'. In saying that, at times this still suffers from Eminem's ear for beats not being a large strength of his. 'Drips' isn't brilliant, as isn't 'Say What You Say' or 'My Dad's Gone Crazy'. There are plenty of great songs though and the worst ones are better than the worst from his first two albums. Beats: ★★★★ Rapping/Bars: ★★★★☆ Hooks: ★★★☆ Best Tracks: Business, Cleanin Out My Closet, Sing for the Moment, Superman, 'Till I Collapse
Reason for report