Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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A story of two brothers with opposite personalities who inherit a house and attempt to renovate it. The type of humour borrows a lot from the great 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' series. One of the main characters also looks like one of the main characters from IASIP and comes across as plagiarism in my opinion. He is even a karate enthusiast which is a trait of another character from IASIP. There are some good moments - A scene at the beginning of the film where a toast to their father turns into a drinking contest followed by a brawl is hysterical. There are also other some good lines and slapstick humour throughout.
An entertaining odd-couple film where after cheapness (or being ripped off, depending on how you see it) costs him buying the last TurboMan Doll, I mean, Sparklehoof the Unicorn Princess toy for his daughter just before Christmas, Andrew ends up travelling hours across the country to get one with his neighbour, Dev. I don't need to say that the journey isn't a straight forward one. I've always liked Merchant, and it's no different here where the laughs come fairly quickly for most of the movie until it gets more sentimental towards the end. Worth watching.
Track for track this is one of the better hardcore horrorcore influenced hip hop albums I've heard. Apart from 'Nuttin Ass B__ch', which drags on a tad, there ain't a dull moment. It's very consistent and if you like one track you should like it all. Point Blank tells the tales very well and very much to the point so you don't miss a beat and everything flows together... *If you like this, check out the remixed version that was released in 2019 as well. Best Tracks: Point Blank, Cut U N 1/2, Straighten It Out, B__ch Said I Raped Her, Aggravated.
I've checked out a fair bit of Prince's discography and while I'd choose 'Purple Rain' over most albums from any artist, if I had to choose a bunch of songs from his discography for a playlist, many songs from his '90s albums would be chosen, and thematically this follows on from them. A number would feel right at home on albums like 'Diamonds and Pearls'. The first couple of songs on this are weak, with the opener sounding a bit like 'Controversy', but from one the album's strongest cuts, 'The Greatest Romance Ever Sold', there is little that I don't enjoy. Best Tracks: The Greatest Romance Ever Sold, So Far So Pleased, The Sun The Moon and Stars, Man 'O' War, Wherever U Go Whatever U Do
This is fire until the third act with the sound effect of something dropping into water. It just made me think of someone on the toilet...Is that what they were going for? Even without that though, it would still be the weakest portion. Everything else is great though. It's probably an easy 4.5 stars without the middle.
Reason for report