Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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I was thinking 3/5 for much of this movie, and I felt that I've seen it before, maybe the beginning is similar to one of the other Dirty Harry movies I've seen or I caught this on TV years ago and I don't remember. However, the engaging final 30 minutes earnt it some more.
This whole movie is like 25-30 minutes of lead in setting the plot, and then 60 minutes of non stop action. I'm not sure why it has such a worse rating than the first. I enjoyed both about the same amount. Lots of action and never boring. Those kidnappers do some stupid things though.
Very slow. After 40 minutes I thought that nothing had happened and nothing much more happened for the remaining time. In saying that, it didn't feel really long, it just wasn't every entertaining. I mean, there is a 3-4 minute scene of the two characters just walking with the camera panned on their faces and not one bit of dialogue. Forgettable.
This is basically a rehash of T2 with some added cringe. I don't think it's as bad as some people make out. The action still hits and keeps me entertained. I upped this half a star on a rewatch.
I like Lloyd's flow in bursts, but for a whole album it gets too same-same. He doesn't change it up enough and therefore this feels like a long album. When I first pressed play on this I was bumping but it falls away and there isn't anything A-tier.
Reason for report