Warren G is one of the legends of the west coast and one the few from the mid-nineties still releasing albums reasonably consistently (at least that are getting some mainstream attention). This album though, like his last, is fairly forgettable. Much of the production goes for that G-Funk sounding theme that Warren is known for but there is nothing original or great throughout the whole disc. The better tracks listed below (particularly the first two) are bound with a harder beat than the others and just work better for me and are my picks from the album. There has been some good hip hop released the last couple of months and this, unfortunately, isn't amongst them.
Best Tracks: The West Is Back, 100 Miles and Runnin', Suicide
A very solid release from Gibbs. I absolutely love 'Fuck Rap Pt. 2'. I've been listening to it constantly for ages. It's still one of his better songs.
Best Tracks: Crushin' Feelin's, Fuck Rap Pt. 2, Thug Psalms
[Spoilers] Man, I really didn't like the ending here. David Fincher has mentioned his distaste for the final third of this, and I understand why. For much of the movie, it's suspenseful, keeps you guessing and asking questions, but then it ends with disappointment. Too much occurs as well where C.P.R. knew what Nicholas was going to do and where he was going to go. I understand they did extensive personality and psychological testing, but nothing is that accurate. He should have jumped to his death at the end after 'the game' pushed him too far. That would've been a better ending than a perfectly placed air cushion that he lands on and then ending up with the woman who put him through this... A 4/5 with a better conclusion.
I have so much love and nostalgia for this project. I had heard 'B.O.B. (Bombs Over Baghdad)' on the video game, Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX, instantly loved it, and if I have the timeline right, then songs like 'Ms. Jackson' and 'The Whole World' were all over the radio and television, and from there, I had to listen to everything by this group, and it further enhanced my early love for hip hop. A great starting point for new fans with the 3 new songs bumping as well.
Best Tracks: Funkin Around, So Fresh, So Clean, Rosa Parks, The Whole World, B.O.B., Crumblin' Erb, Ms. Jackson, Player's Ball, Movin' Cool
Another solid mixtape from Game that was meant to end the Game vs 50/G-unot beef that everyone got tired of in the end. I don't recognise everything but much of this is Game dissing 50 & co over well known beats such as Niggas Bleed, 1970 Somethin', Ready, A.M. to P.M. and Quiet to name a few. Lyrically, although there is some humour in the dissing, it does get a bit tedious being 20 odd tunes of hating. Nevertheless, if you enjoy The Game you'll like this because the beats bang.
Best Tracks: 120 Bars, Niggaz Bleed, 1970 Somethin', Not Gonna Leave, A.M. to P.M., My Lowrider, Quiet, Outro (Red Bandana)