Going back to this has always perplexed me. I remember playing the demo of this years and years ago, and I remember it being a reasonably fun FPS. I'm not sure if the version I have of the full game is different or not, but it isn't as I remember. The main issues with this is the movement controls which make for a frustrating time to try to navigate the cliff edges. The aiming system could have used more development time also, and the level design seems unfinished at times.
This game is known among many video games fans for the controversy it created upon release, which playing it these days seems ridiculous. It is more like a B grade horror movie than anything and while I'm one for protecting the kiddies from graphic and sexual scenes, there really isn't anything here to be concerned about. It all stems from that old opinion that anything in video games is 10 times worse than what could be in a film or other media. In the end, all this commotion led to the creation of a rating system for video games.
The game itself is just an interactive movie. You go from room to room in the house and if you are there at the right time an FMV plays and then you can trap an Auger (intruder) by pressing B at the right time, if you have the right code colour switched on. The problem with this is that because you are looking for these guys all the time, you miss the story and what the girls are doing, who are generally in one or two of the rooms doing something. Worth a look to see what all the fuss is about, and it's one of those it's so bad it's good games in some respects.
Gameplay 2/5
Graphics 3/5
Sound 3.5/5
Difficulty 4/5
Originality 4.5/5
We saw lots of these kart racing games in the late 90's early 2000's and while this isn't one of the best, it isn't the worst either. It lacks the adventure mode of CTR or Muppet RaceMania to give it longevity, but is a fine kart game for kids.
Another year, another NFS game. This is basically Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit with some more open world exploration. It features some exhilarating racing though and racing fans will still enjoy. As I have said with a number of games from this generation, why I need to be online and get disconnected from half way through something to play against bots I'll never know. An enjoyable racer that I played through to the end.
The plot of racing across America provides some great graphics with many different environments to race in. It also offers something slightly different to the usual Need for Speed game.