Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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This just gets a touch boring. As nice as Aaliyah's voice was, it's a bit one-paced and little stands out to me. The great Treach adds some much-needed energy on 'A Girl Like You', the change-up on 'Choosey Lover' is good and others are enjoyable, but there's nothing I'll be rushing back to. Her debut is her best album largely thanks to the genius of R. Kelly. 2.5-3 / 5.
After listening to this I have to make room in my list of overrated hip hop albums heralded as classics. Obviously, it's all individual taste to what you prefer, but this shouldn't be compared to 'Deltron 3030'. Apart from a couple of tracks, the lyrics and production differ way too much to do that, and I'd say very little on this comes close to a handful of inimitable tracks from Del, Dan & Koala. Many of the beats here are raw and dark, and demonstrate Dan's versatility if you have heard his other work. I normally like my beats with slightly more life to them, and while it begins well, ('Earth People' is a massive standout for me), by the end of this, I'm kind of underwhelmed. After a few spins, I really don't feel there are enough songs to go back to to rank it any higher. Best Tracks: Earth People, No Awareness, Wild & Crazy, Waiting List
A pretty average R&B comeback album until the last few tracks where the quality becomes much better in my opinion. More build-up, better production and catchier choruses. The best few are great. Best Tracks: Do It Again, Back to the Future, Love MD, Away, Rule the World
Not everything is great on Kelly's second album, and I think it starts off a little slowly, but it is up there for the R. Kelly album that features the largest number of classics. 'I Can't Sleep Baby' (you've gotta wait for the build-up), and 'Down Low, in particular, are R. Kelly at his ballad best with many tracks not being far behind. Best Tracks: You Remind Me of Something, 'Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby...', Down Low (Nobody Has to Know), I Can't Sleep Baby (If I), Religious Love, Thank God It's Friday, Trade in My Life
Some of these tracks are some of the best and original hip hop mashup tunes you are going to hear. Eminem's raps are not hampered over these anime/Japanese influenced beats, and are even sometimes improved over the originals. The first 20 songs are definitely stronger than the second 20, party due to containing more well-known songs. Some may hate this, but I think unlike many remixes it does actually offer a different listening experience to the originals, and a good half of these are worth playing more than once. Best Tracks: Disc 1: Business, Mockingbird, Jimmy Crack Corn, Encore, Till I Collapse, Drama Setter, Like Toy Soldiers Disc 2: Cleanin' Out My Closet, Lose Yourself, The Way I Am, Sing For the Moment
Reason for report